Things I’ve made trying to put my dent in the universe.

I’ve worked on tons of little projects over the years but these are the ones that I’m most proud of. Many of them are open-source, so if you see something that piques your interest, check out the code and contribute if you have ideas for how it can be improved.

  • Hupo

    From inception to completion, the coach dashboard for our coaching platform startup was crafted from the ground up, exemplifying a commitment to enhancing coaching services with technical expertise.

  • Bizler

    As a co-founder of a small-scale software agency based in my hometown of Karakalpakstan, we passionately craft tailored digital solutions that empower local businesses and communities through technology.

  • Náwbet

    Empowering our community with efficiency, our local queue automation project streamlines waiting times and enhances customer experiences, making everyday processes smoother and more convenient.

  • Saiga

    My inaugural project, a ridesharing app, marked my first step into the world of software development. While it's currently inactive, it served as a valuable learning experience, laying the foundation for future endeavors in the tech industry.